Saturday, September 13, 2008

In Which They Went to Pittsburgh.

Okay. So this is around a month late in coming, but I've been too busy playing my new cat game, "Almost Chase the Wad of Scrap Paper," to do any serious blogging or photo-uploading. But the Double Decker Moron Sammich that lives with me took a trip to Pittsburgh a few weeks ago, and they didn't even invite me. Which is strange, because, of the three of us, I'm the only one who (maybe) was bornded there.

Anyway, here are a zillion photos that T.O.C.E. took of their various escapades. The only thing these shots prove is that most of her friends are much cuter than she is.

This is Pugzly, a lordly overseer and commander of The Ones Called Alexi and Chloe. For some reason, Pugz has made the unlikely decision to enjoy H.W.D.N.T.B.N.'s company. Ah well. We all have our inexplicable missteps. Pugzly is one of three cats in this house, where T.O.C.E. and H.W. Blabbity Blah stayed for their vacation. And by their vacation I mean my own. Thanks for taking 'em off my hands, Pugz.

Here we see H.W. Yaddayadda's arm, The One Called Alexi's sugar gams, Mala the Warden Cat, and the entire lexicon of The One Called William Shakespeare, printed alphabetically on enormous broadsides.

And here are the gams of My Everlasting Torment, flanking the wild gesticulations of The One Called Alexi. He is in the throes of assembling some very ambitious human performance art involving a huge seesaw-like platform, a boat, a million books, and a script written on a million foot long mobius strip of paper, fed into two typewriter reels. That sounds almost as fun as "Almost Chase the Wad of Scrap Paper."


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