Thursday, August 02, 2007

Dirt Instead of a Lizard.

Lights up on a small hotel outside Denver, where the girls headed west fairly early in the AM. More Colorado radio, which was weird--no sound effects or tags, and every announcer sounded like he was recording his show in a hallway or something. One DJ read a mailbag letter requesting that they never play Amy Winehouse's song, because its message (say "No, No, No" to rehab) was a misguided one.

C.apesh*t's Jeep groaned its way up through the Rockies like a boxy champ. About the time they crossed the Continental Divide, C.apesh*t began employing the adjective "gnarly." Her re-entry into the West Coast had begun...

Day Two of the C.apeshit/T.O.C.E. cross-country trek was just as successful as the first, perhaps even more so because these two human morons actually found something to take pictures of.

Apparently, humans put long planks of wood on their feet and, after snow falls, roll themselves down these large Colorado inclines. Both T.O.C.E. and I think this is an asinine passtime. Interesting side note: C.apesh*t lugged a pair of these items (called "skis") all the way across the country to Iowa from LA, and never used them for the three years she was there.


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