Thursday, August 02, 2007

C.apesh*t takes off at what can only be described as a speed-walkers pace, straight up a mountain, with T.O.C.E. gasping behind. No shit-- people on crutches were passing them.

Here is C.apesh*t, threatening to make T.O.C.E. meditate again.

At one point, they drift about 50 feet off the trail and T.O.C.E. thinks she is about to die.

Thirty minutes later, they are approximately one BILLION feet up in the air, shimmying along the world's narrow-ist ledge, adn T.O.C.E. thinks that C.apesh*t has it out for her. She delivers her own last rites, rounds the corner and...

Oh. Oh, wow. Well, that's actually kind of nice. Huh. Almost worth having coronary thrombosis for. No wonder it's on all the Utah license plates.

And what a view! A lunar landscape. So this is why all those people reject The Hills Marathons in favor of, you know, outdoorsy shit.


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