Saturday, August 06, 2005

Orbiting the Moons of Jupiter...

I wonder if steroids make your fur softer. Yes, you heard it right folks, after a month or so off the Arnolds, I started wheezing again and The One Called Elena shot me full of gym candy faster than you can say "The First Step is Admitting You Have A Problem." (which actually takes a long time to say, defeating the point.)

So anyhoo, now that I'm using again, my already silky coat has become so lustrous, so flocculent, so plumate, so velutinous, that I've started watching my gossamer back, lest one of the humans think to use me as a shammy. I totally forgot why I decided to tell you this.

Anyhoo, I'm stoned to the bejeesus belt and those two humans must be, too, as they're throwing all the stuff that I like to shed on into tall, small, wide and narrow boxes. I really, really don' t like where this is going. Gotta go...I feel another flying kitten hallooseygoosey comin' on...


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