Sunday, July 10, 2005

Do nothing till you hear from me.

"Oh where, Charlene, oh where have you beeen?," ask my throngs of fans, supporters and underlings. I've been undercover and unable to type, since The One Called Elena discovered Friendster and has been hogging the computer to spy on her 10th grade lab partner, her junior high nemesis, and her old boy- and girl-friends all week. Get a life, human. And even though I am a talking alien cat with a wildly popular blog, I will not be joining the 17million users of Friendster. I do not involve myself with things that end in "-ster." Apparently, The One Called Elena was registered on Friendster for the past 2 years and never knew it. Idiota!

But The One Called Elena's spyings do not come without their benefits. Who knew she had such talented, plugged-in aquaintances? See the above poster, for example, declaiming the great-ness of her New York D.J. friend, The One Called Brent(who grew up with a cat named chipwich, but now only owns pet hair care products). For those Three-Legged-Blog affiliates living in New York City, he seems like one to czech out. As you know, all talking Alien cats enjoy decksanddrumsandrockandroll. Wonder if there's any of that going on in Iowa.

p.s. see The One Called Brent, below, and like it.


Blogger trixievw said...

6:53 AM  

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