Friday, January 19, 2007

Excuses for Why I haven't Posted in Months

Pick your favorite one, or mix-n-match, like Grranimals!

1) An unexpected bout of late-onset cat illiteracy
2) And I wouldn't be blogging now, if it weren't for you pesky kids!
3) Even tripods get the blues
4) Global Warming
5) I took a 1200-hour siesta
6) I was breaking in my new cat bed
7) I was bringing sexy back
8) I was conducting a prayer vigil for the cat called BBKing
9) I was in an ire-induced coma
10) I was in training for my new spokesperson gig
11) Jury duty
12) Spontaneous vomiting brought on by T.O.C.E.'s covers of the Dreamgirls soundtrack
13) Shut up
14) The One Called C.apeshit needed to learn the virtue that is patience
15) T.O.C.E. flattened me with a deadly pun.
16) The Bossanova, with its magic spell
17) The Great Blog Drought of Ought-Six
18) The Other accidentally dumped the computer out the window trying to send an attachment
19) This


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