Sunday, April 24, 2005


I'd like to personally thank mother nature for this cold-ass weather. Now the heater is on again and I get to sleep on it. I'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize to anybody that ever came over to visit The One Called Elena and then I ran away and wouldn't come socialize. It's not that I'm afraid of you; don't flatter yourselves. I'm just very busy and couldn't take the time away from my work. "Doing what?" you might ask? Well, starting this blog, for one thing. I sit on The One Called Elena's lap when she's on the computer and, though she can't even send attachments, taught myself in secrecy. She's been very busy lately, working on plays and teaching kids and talking about somebody named "Iowa". Who the hell is Iowa. For a while I thought it was the name of The Other One That lives here, the quieter one with the deeper voice. But I'm not so sure anymore. I think his name is "Pumpkin." Will do more research and report to the Leader.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. I am an Alien. I also have very strong opinions on musics and films. Will report more later.


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